Auto Draft is a feature that automatically selects players for your fantasy football team based on predetermined parameters and preferences. It’s a convenient way to draft a team if you’re short on time or if you’re new to fantasy football and don’t have the expertise to make informed decisions about which players to select.

To use Auto Draft, you first need to set your draft strategy. This includes deciding which positions you want to prioritize, how much you value certain statistics, and which players you want to avoid. You can also set your draft order, which will determine when you’ll pick your players.

Once you’ve set your draft strategy, you can start the Auto Draft process. The computer will then automatically select players for your team based on your preferences. You can watch the draft live or you can let the computer do all the work for you.

Auto Draft can be a helpful tool for fantasy football players, but it’s important to remember that it’s not perfect. The computer doesn’t know everything about football, and it can make mistakes. That’s why it’s important to do your own research before the draft and to be prepared to make changes to your team if necessary.

If you’re new to fantasy football, Auto Draft can be a good way to get started. It can help you learn the basics of drafting a team and it can give you a feel for the game. However, as you become more experienced, you may want to start making your own draft decisions.

Here are some of the benefits of using Auto Draft:

  • It’s convenient. Auto Draft can save you a lot of time and effort.
  • It’s easy to use. Even if you’re new to fantasy football, you can easily use Auto Draft to create a team.
  • It can help you learn. Auto Draft can help you understand the basics of drafting a team and it can give you a feel for the game.

Here are some of the drawbacks of using Auto Draft:

  • It’s not perfect. The computer doesn’t know everything about football, and it can make mistakes.
  • It can be limiting. Auto Draft can limit your options, especially if you have a specific strategy in mind.
  • It can be boring. Auto Draft can be a bit boring, especially if you’re looking for a more interactive experience.
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